Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 1

Today is the day, that was the thought that went through my head when I stepped on the scale and saw 288. I have never been this big in my life one time I weighed in at 278. I know that 10 pounds does not seem like a lot but it is.

Today I have had a bowel of cereal and some cookies. I am doing reserch on line about weight loss and I know that weight watchers works, I just don't have the funds to join, so I am going to do what I can with the internet and my will power. It's never worked before but we will see!

So what have you done to loose weight what works for you.. More to come soon!


  1. Kim,

    I applaud your efforts. If you should need a 'buddy' I am here. I have Many of the weight watchers guides . I was doing weight watchers myself and simply could no longer afford it.
    Lets form a group! a Support group! :) Good Luck!

  2. I am all for getting a "life change" group together, lets do it!! I am free weekdays after noonish, I will have my son with me. Also I would love to have a walking partner!!

  3. Oh I so know where you are coming from! My weight has been a snowballing issue since junior high. I have tried so many diets and have inumerable diet cookbooks. I would lose a little then it would stop working and I would gradually gain it back. Plus a few extra. Plus all that weight and sugar habit was totally messing up my hormones and triglycerides. Not to mention insulin resistance. When I stopped being proportional and started turning into an apple shape however, that really got me. I found my miracle and lifetime program right before school started last August. It's called the Metabolism Miracle. Just a book, not subscriptions or anything. Starts out with a low carb phase to kind of detox and rest your liver and pancreas, which is overreactive to carb if you are metabolism B. Then a very specific timing phase of reintroducing carbs and retraining your body to deal with them without overreacting. Then maintenance for life. Now I've tried South Beach before and did lose a little, then gained it right back. Plus I was never able to do it again. Too darn hard. This has been a cakewalk, even the low carb part. Here are my results since last August: Lost around 35+ pounds (and counting), lost 23+ inches all over, lost three pant sizes, took 60 points off triglycerides, totally normal blood sugar, tons of energy. I haven't been in a size 12 in at least 12 years until now. I feel awesome! If you want to find out more about the program/diet/lifestyle, go to and you can read about the indicators for metabolism B and browse some of the blog entries and media and such. I've been doing this for almost half a year now and I know I can live with this for the rest of my life. HAPPILY. If you decide to try it out, the author is great about answering questions, there is a group on facebook and other forums as well for recipes, ideas and support. Plus I have had experience with all three phases already and would be glad to offer tips. Good for you for taking the plunge and especialy for getting support. It really helps. Good luck!!

  4. You go girl! I really like what Kelly said!

  5. Hey Kim- I have had a lot of success with Weight Watchers and followed the program without going to the meetings after both of my kids were born and plan on doing so again after this baby comes. I think you can access the Weight Watchers online forums without paying a fee, that might be helpful to connect with others who are in a similar position. Largely I found dieting to be able portion sizes and drinking lots of water and getting adequate exercise to boost your metabolism. Hoping you find something that works for you!!
